Step Into BALANCE with Me. 

My New Book The Balanced Social Worker

The Balanced Social Worker is available here for purchase. ​

Is BALANCE a Myth? 

Balance is our topic for the next few weeks and I want to extend you an invitation to STEP into BALANCE in your life. BALANCE is the even distribution of weight enabling someone to remain steady. Balance leads to and creates mental and emotional steadiness. 

Think of BALANCE as a BACKPACK. A backpack is designed to carry multiple items in a method that redistributes the weight. In other words, you can place heavy items in a backpack that  may wear you down if carried in a different bag. It is the DESIGN of the backpack that keeps you mobile, prepared with what you NEED, and helps to lift the load. 

Ladies and gentlemen we all have weight(s) to carry from our numerous roles and responsibilities. . I am not suggesting that you eliminate your roles, but I do invite you to REDISTRIBUTE the weight of HOW you carry your roles. 

Below are some questions to help you redistribute YOUR weight: 

  1. What are you carrying that ONLY requires your attention? At times we become accustomed to NATURALLY assuming full responsibility for tasks, but WHO can assist you? WHO can you delegate tasks to? Are you truly the ONLY person in the world who can do the laundry or cook dinner? Can you hire a laundry or meal prep service? Can you seek help with a family member who has offered to help you? 

  2. What are your TOP priorities? Everything in life IS NOT emergent. Triage your roles and responsibilities as EMERGENT, URGENT, or ROUTINE. What role in my life comes FIRST? Is it my role as mother, wife, child, spouse? Think through how you will respond when multiple demands require your attention at the SAME time. Respond in the order of your priorities and assign this daily priority. 

  3. What ADJUSTMENTS  can I  make? Ladies, a backpack has adjustable straps to assist  with BALANCING multiple items. At times you may need to ADJUST the straps to wear the backpack closer to your body to better carry the weight. Or you may loosen the straps. The point I am making is to ANTICIPATE adjustments along the way. Consistently evaluate and ask: “what do I need to change?” Progress is a PROCESS. 

We will review some BELIEFS in our next newsletter that hinder us from obtaining BALANCE.

Yours in BALANCE, 

~Dr. Niah




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