Happy New Year ladies!! I am EXCITED about all that God has planned for US this year! As we prepare to journey through the year, I want to share with you the word I am using to guide me this year: CAPACITY! Capacity means the amount something can hold or the amount one can PRODUCE! 

If you’ve been following me or reading this blog then you have heard me mention CAPACITY  before.   I want to share with you a few INTENTIONAL strategies  I am using in 2023 to help me  manage and MAXIMIZE my capacity! 

  1. Intentional YES! At times I have been the Queen of overcommitting. This leaves me tired, burned out, and irritated. This year I am counting up the cost BEFORE I commit to anything…yes anything. Even going on a simple lunch date or hangout with friends. 

  2. Intentional NO! The word NO is becoming MY best friend. I am embracing this word, and as my friend  Joy says there’s a lot of LOVE in the word NO! 

  3. Challenging my people-pleasing patterns. We all have the  desire to be loved and liked by those around us, but on this journey of growth and healing, we must learn to prioritize OUR  needs above the opinions of others. 

Join me this month and this year as I share practical ways to manage your CAPACITY so we can PRODUCE in the areas God has called us to. 

Love you, 


~Dr. Niah 


REST is Necessary! 


THINK before you say YES