THINK before you say YES 

As I shared with you ladies my word for this year is CAPACITY!  Capacity means the amount something can hold or the amount one can PRODUCE! My goal is to increase my capacity and intentionally focus on the things GOD has called me to. One strategy I am using is to manage my capacity is evaluating who and what I give my YES to. The primary question I am asking myself is “Where Does “it” Fit?

I have the habit of “squeezing” things in and making “it” fit, but I am taking a different approach this year. Instead of making space, that typically leaves me feeling burned out and without energy to complete God ordained tasks I am evaluating the tough reality that if I don’t have space, I am NOT squeezing “it” in. 

Here are some steps I am taking and questions I am asking myself  BEFORE I say “yes” and to help determine where “it” fits. 

  1. Where does “it” fit  in my schedule? I am challenging myself to look at my calendar without moving or changing anything around and determine if there is space for the request of the day. If I cannot objectively fit in that request, the answer is NO. 

  2. Where does “it” fit with my values? How does this request align with my values and core beliefs? Am I accepting opportunities and making room for things simply because someone asked me? Or to make money? Or to have influence? I am challenging myself to specifically name how the current request matches my values. 

  3. Where does “it” add value? In other words, how does this request help to grow, improve or change me? Is it a healthy use of my time, or ultimately time wasted

Evaluate and ask yourself these questions BEFORE you give your yes. This will lead to increased productivity within your CAPACITY! 

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~Dr. Niah 




Finish Strong