Finish Strong

As we prepare to end 2022 and enter 2023 let’s reflect, review, and renew!

-Reflect on our experiences, areas of growth, and areas for improvement

-Review events to take inventory of what happened this year

-Renew our commitment to God, ourselves, and each other to FINISH the year STRONG.

There are 4 questions that I will pose within the upcoming weeks to help you reflect, review, and renew for 2023. Today’s question is:

What have I started that I need to finish?

What have I started that I need to finish?

We all have plans and projects that we have started, but have not quite finished. Follow the steps below to revisit those unfinished items and bring them to a place of completion.

  1. Write down each project, idea, or any plans that you had for this year. For example, if you had the idea to start a walking club or if you had a goal to save $1,000 each month write down those ideas.

  2. What barriers did you encounter as you attempted to carry out your idea? Examples of barriers could include time management, difficulty saying “no” to others, self-doubt, etc. Honestly ASK and evaluate the barriers that made it difficult for you to complete your tasks.

  3. Identify ONE step you can take today to progress towards your goal. For example, if you have a weekly or monthly savings goal, take the step of identifying a day each week to review and organize your money. What is ONE step you can take today?

A new year begins first with a strong finish to the current year. Reflect, review, and renew today…it is never too late!


THINK before you say YES 


Who Did I Become?