Just BE. 

I’m introducing a new slogan that reflects our topic for the month ‘JUST BE’. This phrase reflects placing intentional internal focus on our values, our needs, and the conditions that allow us to genuinely BE our true selves. 

Now, You may be thinking, “Dr. Niah that sounds DEEP and I have no idea where to start or who I am supposed to BE.

I have listed some simple insights below to help you identify ways to ‘JUST BE’. As you read each tip, set aside time to intentionally implement at least one of the insights below into your week.  I guarantee you will BEcome more of yourself and experience less stress as you navigate life and the pressures of DOING. 

  1. When are you most at Peace? Peace can be described as an internal state of REST. In other words, PEACE is when you feel a sense of calm and refreshed on the inside. It is when you feel worry-free and carefree. 

What specific moments create peace for YOU? 

Do you feel peace when you are in the presence of your family or closest loved ones? Not engage in an activity, but just enjoying the togetherness and connectedness?  

Do you experience peace in the early morning hours before anyone awakes and you have alone time and the ability to think and clearly hear your thoughts? 

Do you experience peace on a nature walk? 

Whatever, the condition, the peace you experience is a sneak peek into what your soul NEEDS and there is something in your experience of peace that reveals a unique characteristic. 

2. When have you hit your PEAK?! We are creative BEings. Created by a creator to develop, design, and BEcome. We each have a unique lane and “zone” to  EXCEL in. There are projects and passions that we engage in that LIGHT YOU ON FIRE and cause you feel GOOD from the inside out. 

For some, your peak could BE when you write. 

For some, your peak could BE when you DANCE. 

For others, your peak could BE when you organize your purse or your closet. 

Whatever the situation, those PEAK moments, and conditions reveal passions that energize us and FUEL us. Those moments represent instances when we are uniquely aligned with our creative DESIGN. 

3. What comes naturally that you attempt to hide? 

There are elements of our personalities that we sometimes diminish or attempt to hide, in efforts to be accepted by others. Maybe you are naturally silly or more of “the class clown” but your job requires you to be “serious” and you hide this aspect of yourself.

Or you have strong opinions and are assertive, but you reduce this quality in your relationships with others to “fit in”.

Whatever the situation, it is common to attempt to mask pieces of ourselves to blend in and fit in, however over time, chronically doing this pushes you further away from your authentic self. 

As you evaluate each question and lean into BEING-less of what others think and more of WHO is true to you, I believe you will truly reap the fruits of what God has for you! 

Have you purchased your copy yet? 

The Balanced Social Worker provides tools and insights of practical ways to maximize your time, talents, and realign your work with your BEING. Purchase your copy here

Have a  BALANCED day!  


The Healthy Thinking SKILL  
