We are officially at the midpoint of the year. Over 169 days have passed, (depending on when you read this) and this month we are going to intentionally reflect, review, and RESET on our experiences and conditions thus far in the year. 

Where are you mentally, spiritually, relationally, emotionally, vocationally, and physically as it relates to your goals?

Where are you regarding your vision for the year and your healing? What have you set out to do for the year and where are you in relation to progressing towards these goals? 

Make time this month to REFLECT on your emotional state-the feelings, and the pain you have encountered throughout the year. REVIEW the experiences you had this year. Evaluate what has happened and take INVENTORY from your experiences. 

Lastly, when it feels like it is all falling down and you have no clarity regarding future choices or which way to move forward; sometimes a RESET is all you need. We will discuss how to RESET-adjust or start in a NEW way towards your goals. 

So get ready, get excited, and let’s prepare to REFLECT, REVIEW, and RESET for a mid year REFRESH!

Have a  BALANCED day!  


The Healthy Thinking SKILL