time. Capacity. Energy

This month we are exploring side effects of change. As we SHIFT and change in our lives and assume new roles we must PREPARE for the adjustments that come. Primarily adjustments in the areas of time, capacity, and energy. Take a look below to prepare for change in these three areas: 


As we change, our time resource (which is already limited) WILL BE challenged. In other words, things that you are accustomed to spending time on WILL shift. To assist in determining HOW to spend your time examine a few things: 

-Determine your NEEDS, aka set your priorities. YES, you can fit many things into your schedule, but from the items on your schedule what aligns with your TOP 3 priorities?

-Get organized. Organization is God’s plan to simplify our lives. Sometimes our time is WASTED due to a lack of organization.

-Identify time wasters aka DISTRACTIONS. What things consume your time that are unnecessary?


Capacity is the maximum amount that something can contain or how much something can hold. Evaluate tasks or items that only YOU can complete and are YOUR responsibility. How many tasks do you take on outside of YOUR designated responsibilities and how do you feel? Do those tasks energize you? Drain you? Overwhelm you? Reflecting on these areas will help you to determine YOUR capacity. 


Energy is the strength required to complete a task. Energy is not unlimited and we must understand how to wisely distribute our energy. Consider what zips (increases) your energy and what zaps (drains) your energy. Conserve AND increase your energy by intentionally monitoring both of these areas. 

 Ladies, I truly believe that as we examine our time, capacity, and energy we will PREPARE ourselves for the blessings of change and transition! 


Fight. Flight. Freeze.


PREPARE for Change